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An Honest Look at Carlos Tevez’ Surprise City Move in 2010

  • Dev Bajwa 
Carlos Tevez Transfer to Man City - Ultra UTD

Remember when the Argentine crossed that fabled Manchester divide and went from red to blue? Yeah … still hurts!

Have you ever been cheated on before? Well, I don’t know if Carlos Tevez has, but it’s not a nice feeling is it? You put your heart and soul into someone else, and they repay your faith by stomping all over it and FedEx-ing it to your mum’s house. All before spitting in her face and keying her car.

kay, this article took a slightly more personal tone but you catch my drift!

In short, it’s nice a nice feeling at all, and it often leads the cheat-ee feeling small, bewildered and somewhat tentative to freely enter into another relationship for fear of it happening again. And, from the cheater’s perspective, it would generally involve a rather callous approach on their side where they couldn’t care less about the ramifications of their actions – because they’re heartless and wrong in their own conduct.

But with the case of Carlos Tevez, he wasn’t wrong to do what he did. At least, not in my opinion.

Manchester United fans: look away now, because you probably don’t want to read about this (I’m also a United fan but I can put my partiality to the song for as long as is required to make my case).

When Carlos Tevez finally joined the side after a bemusing transfer to West Ham United from Corinthians in 2006, he didn’t arrive in the manner in which was expected – which was largely due to the shadiness of his arrival in the first place. A matter of third-party ‘ownership’ of footballers – which you can find more about here.

Instead of signing permanent terms with the club, Tevez arrived on a bemusing two-year loan spell, where it was widely expected that he would sign a permanent deal come the second season’s end (provided everything went swimmingly with his part-time arrangement).

A rough goal involvement per every other game in Manchester red across 63 appearances from the club meant that a lot of fans were expecting his permanent transfer to be announced to the media, but things looked awry towards the latter stages of the loan.

According to his teammates, it’s widely accepted that Carlos Tevez was dumfounded at the fact that he wasn’t awarded / promised a new deal by the club considering just how well he had performed for them throughout his spell at Old Trafford. And his generally standoffish demeanour and resolute stance on the matter alienated him from his colleagues even further as time roared on.

Which probably didn’t help the matter of his own public perception, though I doubt it affected him much!

Day by day, that frustration turned into downright anger for the Argentine nomad, and he wasn’t going to stand for it any longer, and this is why I respect his ultimate decision – regardless of who he chose! If I were in his shoes, and the team I wanted to join seemingly didn’t want me back, then I wouldn’t be retaining any level of loyalty for them when other suitors came onto the scene.

I might even pull a Johan Cruyff and do something even more spitefulbut that’s just me!

“I feel very happy here, I am very comfortable here, and I am very relaxed … I feel absolutely at home in England, Manchester City is my home, on the pitch there is no problem, and I have made a lot of friendships within the club, so there are a lot of people I can share the great moments with.”

Carlos Tevez
after signing for Man City in 2010.

It’s like if you tried for ages to court a young lady, and they didn’t show any interest in you – but then their best friend comes along and does what she never did. I might be heartless in saying this, but if I developed feelings for her best friend, I’m not going to give a damn about what she thinks about my eventual union with somebody close to her. As far as I’m concerned, it’s my decision and not hers – and I think that there’s a similar story here with Carlos Tevez and Manchester City.

Again, that went far more personal than I had intended it to go, but I hope you understand my point.

Had things been aligned properly, I genuinely think he would have stayed and been a success at United. But when they don’t show a requited level of interest, and you’re in your prime years, and a team across the road (in an area you’re now familiar with) is offering a level of wealth that would set everybody in the Tevez household up for life.

Then I can see why club loyalty meant nothing to him in this circumstance.

That’s not to say it didn’t p*** me off, but at Ultra United, we gotta be impartial sometimes – to recognise the truth behind the stories that the media stay one-sided on!

Whether you’re a City or a United fan, share this post and let us know your honest opinion on Carlos Tevez’ 2009 move.

3 thoughts on “An Honest Look at Carlos Tevez’ Surprise City Move in 2010”

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