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The Limitless Potential of RB Salzburg’s Patson Daka

Patson Daka

I don’t know what they’re feeding those strikers over in Salzburg but I need whatever they’re having. Good balls probably, but that’s rather dirty-minded, so let’s stop this, thank you!

Leading the line throughout this strange season, Patson Daka has been nothing short of sensation. Literally scoring every single time he’s set out onto the pitch for his club in the Austrian Bundesliga, the Zambian marksman has recorded just shy of thirty goals in what has been a phenomenal post-breakthrough season for him.

Almost as quickly as his tenth goal in the league, tenuous links were made between the mentioned Daka and his bright-haired predecessor in Erling Haaland. But at risk of sounding like every single football media outlet that have a large audience, I’m going to refrain from using that link and solely focus on Patson Daka himself. I know, it’s weird isn’t it? Actually looking at a player’s sole playing ability without some weird link to a player which has nothing to do with their own career development. We’re really breaking new ground here at Ultra United, aren’t we (!)

Sarcasm aside, I have been mightily impressed by the talents of Patson Daka from the moment he really made that striker’s role his own in an RB Salzburg shirt at the beginning of the 2019/20 season. But even then, he only managed a measly 24 strikes in 32 appearances in the league, so maybe he was having an off year compared to his current season? Either that, or he’s just somehow improved on an already-phenomenal return up top.

Having watched pretty much every single bit of footage I can of him in the lead-up to writing this article, I have become completely enamoured by the man’s story and current football story. From humble beginnings with minnows Liefering before being spotted by the Salzburg team, Daka’s pride and humility continues to shine.

Not only has he proven to be deadly in front of goal, but he possesses this selfless work ethic which is enough to make any onlooker fall in love with him. That is, unless he’s directly opposing you while you’re tasked with figuring out how to stop him. In which case, you’re probably wishing you were quicker, stronger, more intelligent … or perhaps all of these combined. Only then, would you stand a realistic chance of doing your job against him.

Standing at just over 6ft tall and possessing this unerring ability to sense when to be dangerous or not, Patson Daka’s game is best defined by his footballing brain as well as his no-nonsense striking style. Though he is partial to the odd finesse of the ball to guide it home, his preferred rifling technique has held him in good steed so far.

So much so, that his average Salzburg return of a goal every 1.7 games (in all competitions to date) has led to a number of top suitors vying for his signature. An honour that would *allegedly* only cost somewhere in the region of £20-or-so million. Now, it’s of course going to be difficult to suggest that he could directly emulate his current form in a league which is (no offence) more competitive than the Austrian Bundesliga, but the early signs are there.

The variety with which he slots the ball home and his endearing and humble personality leads me to believe that he can really throw himself into new surroundings and get going even when times are tough. It’s all hearsay at this point, but please just go ahead and watch some of the videos (above) for yourself. And you’ll see why the likes of Tottenham, Manchester United and Liverpool are so closely linked with him. Personally, if I was Head of Recruitment for any of these sides, I would make sure to purchase the wonderful Patson Daka at all costs. Great price, great man … and eventually, great business!

Where do you think Patson Daka will end up? Let us know in the comments below!

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