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Top Tips for Breaking into Football Media w/ David Garrido

Football Media Interview

Areas like law and fashion seem to have nigh-on impregnable barriers to entry, and breaking into football media looks no different!

I recently wrote about how the use of platforms such as Linkedin can really help you stand out when looking to form a close network in the football media space. And it was through my own personal approach to this, that I was able to sit down and have a chat with Sky Sports presenter David Garrido!

Having watched him on the Sky platform for the past few years, I always thought he presented himself as a careful, considered professional whose opinions were worth listening to. To then have him come onto my own YouTube channel and discuss his own career and top tips for breaking into football media was a fantastic prospect. Better still, he revealed some very useful nuggets of information that we should all note down. So, here we go …

Putting Yourself Out There!

It’s such a massive cliche, but like a lot of them, it’s true! However to be more specific, one of the top tips for breaking into football media that I personally took away from my conversation with David, was to diversify the ways in which you showcase your passion and abilities to the world. Be it a professional network like on Linkedin or a brand-specific platform like Twitter or Instagram. Writing articles, making YouTube content, engaging with local organisations are all ways to make your CV stand out from the rush-hour crowd yearning for the same opportunities.

Exploring your Emotional Range

More specific to the world of TV presenting, David explains the importance behind being able to adapt to different situations through body language and tones of voice. Of course, this is something which involves thinking on your feet and choosing a tone to suit the situation, but a high level of emotional awareness is key in situations like these.

Finding your Niche and Owning It!

Now this one is something which has swirled around in my head ever since having this chat with David. And among these ways of getting into the football media space, it’s something which only grows even more relevant with time!

In this age of everybody wanting to become everything, one of the best ways to stand out from the crowd is to narrow in on what you want and becoming an expert in that field. So, instead of being an expert in football as a general area, why not try something more close to home? E.g. being a Scottish football expert, or one on the Bulgarian Second Division. Whatever it is, if it’s relatable and something you can sink your teeth into, then you plough them dentures of yours right into its heart! After all, there’s always a demand for an expert – provided you earn that title and engage with any opportunity that cries out for you.

By clicking the link above, you’ll be brought to the full video I was able to record with the wonderful David Garrido earlier in 2020. Not only was he incredible friendly and easy to talk to, but he was also extremely open in helping the next generation of media hopefuls into the very area he calls ‘home’. I thank him once again for being so helpful in a time where it’s easier to do the opposite and hope you all take a little something away from our chat!

Do you have your own experience of being in football media? Let us know in the comments!

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