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Backed by Fiorentina, Inspired by Haaland, Who is Dušan Vlahović?

Dusan Vlahovic Scout Report - Ultra UTD

With all this talk about (literally) big strikers being bandied about various transfer stories in the world, let’s take a step back and look at some of those who don’t get much attention …

Originally unearthed closer to hope with Partizan, Dusan Vlahovic’s eventual five-year deal from Fiorentina came as a relative surprise to all. However, with a nominal fee changing hands and very little expectation to work off, the big Serb essentially arrived as a blank slate with which the team can mould to their own specifications.

Right off the bat, I like to approach these sorts of write-ups with a level of caution I implore other like-minded football outfits to take. For though it’s very easy to get caught up in the excitement surrounding a breakout star like him, we don’t want it to ever hamper their impending development.

So, with that being said, let’s look at what’s already there in the arsenal of weaponry for Dusan Vlahovic and, amid all of these stories surrounding him, give our fairest opinion on what could be in store for him going forward …

As a footballing specimen, I can see a lot of immediate promise in the Fiorentina front man. For not only is he a sizeable asset to anybody who employs him, but his quickness off the mark, acceleration over the first few yards and immediacy in thought is fantastic for someone so young in the game. A level of maturity beyond his years.

Even during his relatively short stint for Il Viola, he’s shown a number of characteristics one wouldn’t expect from someone so inexperienced. It’s the timing of his decisions and the breadth of his footballing intelligence which is getting me excited right off the bat. And while comparisons are inevitably being made with other likened ‘big talents’ up front, I appreciate the thoughtfulness with which he approaches his craft as a striker.

What’s more is that his talents are being appreciated by the kinds of personalities any young baller can only dream of being lauded by. In Dusan Vlahovic’s case, ex-Serie A favourite Christian Vieri has revealed himself to be a particular admirer of the big Serb – calling him ‘the best Striker for his age in Europe’.

Not only is that more than lofty praise from one so legendary in Vieri, but it also strikes an almost direct comparison with Erling Haaland. A peer whose development seems to have inspired Vlahovic to believe that anything is possible with his own career. Though, pound-for-pound, Haaland’s own striking stats thrust his comparative’s into the shadows, there isn’t a reason to suggest why he couldn’t reach that one day.

But for now, his next few decisions are going to prove absolutely pivotal for his eventual evolution.

Straight off the bat, I really doubt that the likes of Manchester City of Bayern Munich are genuinely in a position to commit to signing Dusan Vlahovic anytime soon. Partly because both clubs have their own long-term targets to consider before him, and also for the mooted €80 million fee supposedly required to secure his services.

Instead, I think that this would be a good time for him to bide his time and develop further into his boots at Fiorentina. Whilst there, he’s practically held that first-choice striker position for his own, and given the club’s financial muscle in the transfer market, I’d surmise that this will be a role he maintains for quite a while still. ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ … as the saying goes, right?

Plus, a big move too soon is a truly dire test of character for young players and it could be the breaking of Dusan Vlahovic without (at least) another season to prepare him for such a wealth of expectation. Altogether, if I was him, I’d stay put for now, revel in the limelight for a little bit and use this speculation as fuel to bring even greater joy to the club who put faith in him in the first place.

A perfect way to be loved where he is and (if all goes well) part terms in ways beneficial for all.

What do you think about Dusan Vlahovic and how do you reckon his career development will go in the coming years with all this transfer talk going on. Let us know by sharing your thoughts on social media below.

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